Monday, March 3, 2014

Social Experiment

Greetings and thank you for visiting my blog.

Do you fall into this category?

  • Are you a woman who has had a tumultuous relationship with your own mother?
  • Are you a woman whose mother was never there for whatever the reason?
  • Are you a woman whose biological mother was never there and had a stepmother raise you?
  • Are you a woman who has had a tumultuous relationship with your stepmother because you project your abandonment of your biological mother onto her?
  • Are you a woman whose mother passed away when you were young?
  • Do you ever wish that you could explain yourself to your mother or have a conversation with her about how something she's said to you or how she treated you has affected you? Is that wound still open and in need of healing?
  • What about this, you always feel that she’s critical of you or that you’re in competition with her?
I strongly feel that now is the opportunity to address that pain and open your heart to healing. I am conducting a social experiment that will result in a book being written, where I am collecting stories from women who have had trials, issues, disagreements, misunderstandings, invaluable lessons from their mother. I am asking 50 (women (daughters), who aspire to have a closer relationship with their mother. I feel that many of us are walking around with hurt in us from situations that disconnect us from our mothers, and while this may be unintentional from the mother's perspective, it doesn't negate the fact that the hurt is there. This is an opportunity for you to put your feelings and emotions in print.

This book will be a collection of letters from you to your mother, an opportunity for you to pour out your heart about the one-thing that you wish you could talk to her about without feeling neglected, rejected, or disrespected. Don't worry, I am not asking you to place your name to these letters, they will be anonymous. I know this may be a lot to ask of you, going back to that place, or asking you to be vulnerable about that situation, but this would be a pathway to healing for you and for many others possibly in your same situation.  

I am also going to enlist 50 women (mothers), who will put themselves in your mother’s shoes, woman who will assist me to provide the motherly response to your letter. You see, sometimes, it is better to talk about what it is that is bothering you to a complete stranger than it is to someone you know. Sometimes, just talking about what it is that you have been holding onto, will help to heal. Again, your name will not be used in the book and all letters will remain anonymous.

I believe that the start to healing mother-and-daughter relationships is addressing the issue. This is a path to healing and although you may not be discussing the very issue with your actual mother, this will help you deal with why your relationship is strained, it may provide insight, or why there is some hidden resentment lying in you when you speak to her. This is an opportunity for you to also see the situation from your mothers perspective.  If you open your heart, then you possibly may realize that forgiveness is key and this platform may provide you with that openness. Are you open to receive healing? Then, join me in my book, share your story, or be available to offer a response to someone in need. I know that this is something I must do, I have dreamed, and thought about, envisioned, and prayed… and now is this time for the healing to begin. Please, join me in making a dream into reality in writing this book.

If you are interested in starting a journey of healing your relationship with your mother, please email Please title your email, “I’m a Daughter.”

If you are interested in starting a journey of helping someone in their healing process, please email Please title your email, “I’m a Mother.”

Thank you in advance for your support and assistance.

AfroCentric LovePower | Writer.Healer.


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