Saturday, April 7, 2012

Natural Beauty

So it seems more black women are doing the natural hair thing... I have been natural for over six years. I can't really remember when I let the perm grow out, so I stick with the #6. I know it's been at least 6 years since I've "gone natural." What exactly does it mean to "go natural" anyway? LOL I hate to hear people say that... why can't we simple say... I'm no longer perming my hair...

I mean are more of us "going natural" because we feel that we can do it better than the next girl? After-all, we do stay in competition with one another. You lying if you say you don't, but that's another topic for another day. Back to natural hair... our hair is much more healthier when its at its natural state, and we really don't need to but a lot of chemicals and things in it to make it be something that its not meant to be...

It's fascinating to me that we now consider it okay to be able to wear our natural hair, in the boardroom, to the point where there was an article about natural hair hitting the runway. I mean, really... REALLY, is it like that important to other races?  I mean, black people are BEAUTIFUL (the hues of skin tone, the versatility, the artistry and creativity), including the "beedy-beads" (in my Martin Lawrence voice). I've always loved natural beauty - its the essence of the people (no matter your race, ethnicity, or cultural upbringing).

But, I must wonder, is this just a fad? Or, are we as black women coming to the realization that natural beauty is true and it shouldn't be hidden behind the masks of other women?

Black Women - WE ARE the best of the best...we set the trends, we are fashion and creativity and artistry, and trend setters and no matter our shade... we are unique. So, are we realizing our worth in the industry of other female races?

Tell me what your opinion is...

This is me today with my blow out...

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