One of my daily affirmations are: “MY THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS.”
When you change your thinking, you change your life. There is much to be said about the power of positive thinking. Some might conclude that it is difficult and somewhat exasperating to remember to replace every negative thought with one that is positive in order to change your life. After much experience, we think, if it were that easy, life wouldn't be as challenging, would it? No, wrong. You see, its exactly the opposite--that kind of thinking is what leads to a life seeming too difficult to experience at times.
In Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken, he wrote, “...Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” It is in my opinion that Frost is speaking of our tendencies to look back and attribute blame to minor events in our lives, or to attribute more meaning to things than they may deserve. For someone who takes “the road less traveled” is acting independently, freeing themselves from the conformity of others. Therefore, in this blog post, it would seem that "the road more often traveled" is our negative thinking? So, what is the road more often traveled then, conditioning and normality. Wait, that was an Aha moment for me--maybe I have been conditioned to treat my negative thinking as normal behavior--as thus part of my lack. Selah.
What if you were to practice thinking positive for just one hour throughout your day? Challenge yourself. Record your results--how do you feel when you think positive vs. negative. This is an experience worth trying, especially when the results prove rewarding.
I was thinking that it really is not much of a cumbersome task to retrain your mind to think positive thoughts. You simply tell yourself you’re going to do it and you do it. The moment a negative thought enters your mind, you recognize it and replace it with something positive. Remember that your thoughts become action and they pave the way for your desires and visions to manifest in your life.
Here’s a practice: To help you begin, take the following words, hate, evil, and scared.
Hate, replace it with LOVE, now think evolve, which creates the feeling of transformation, or soaring above it all.
Evil, replace it with GOOD, now think live, which creates the feeling of being, or at peace with everything.
Scared, replace it with SACRED, now think blessed, which creates the feeling of spirituality, or wholeness.
Once you create the positive space in your mind for positive thoughts, remember how your mind/body/spirit connection reacts to it. Do you feel like resting in this moment? If so, tell your mind that the next time you have a negative thought, I will remember the feeling of this moment.
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