Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Your Thoughts become THINGS!!!

One of my daily affirmations are: “MY THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS.”

When you change your thinking, you change your life. There is much to be said about the power of positive thinking. Some might conclude that it is difficult and somewhat exasperating to remember to replace every negative thought with one that is positive in order to change your life. After much experience, we think, if it were that easy, life wouldn't be as challenging, would it? No, wrong. You see, its exactly the opposite--that kind of thinking is what leads to a life seeming too difficult to experience at times.

In Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken, he wrote, “...Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” It is in my opinion that Frost is speaking of our tendencies to look back and attribute blame to minor events in our lives, or to attribute more meaning to things than they may deserve. For someone who takes “the road less traveled” is acting independently, freeing themselves from the conformity of others. Therefore, in this blog post, it would seem that "the road more often traveled" is our negative thinking? So, what is the road more often traveled then, conditioning and normality. Wait, that was an Aha moment for me--maybe I have been conditioned to treat my negative thinking as normal behavior--as thus part of my lack. Selah.

What if you were to practice thinking positive for just one hour throughout your day? Challenge yourself. Record your results--how do you feel when you think positive vs. negative. This is an experience worth trying, especially when the results prove rewarding.

I was thinking that it really is not much of a cumbersome task to retrain your mind to think positive thoughts. You simply tell yourself you’re going to do it and you do it. The moment a negative thought enters your mind, you recognize it and replace it with something positive. Remember that your thoughts become action and they pave the way for your desires and visions to manifest in your life.

Here’s a practice: To help you begin, take the following words, hate, evil, and scared.

Hate, replace it with LOVE, now think evolve, which creates the feeling of transformation, or soaring above it all.

Evil, replace it with GOOD, now think live, which creates the feeling of being, or at peace with everything.

Scared, replace it with SACRED, now think blessed, which creates the feeling of spirituality, or wholeness.

Once you create the positive space in your mind for positive thoughts, remember how your mind/body/spirit connection reacts to it. Do you feel like resting in this moment? If so, tell your mind that the next time you have a negative thought, I will remember the feeling of this moment.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Catching Feelings...

He wrote his feelings on paper...

I gotta be honest with you... as much as I fear telling you this for the sake of losing what we do share... I am feeling like there's more that I want to share with you. I want all of you, and the more I try to suppress those feelings, the more I think about you and those feelings progress, strengthen, and grow.

I don't want to sit and wait for you to decide that you want me in Your world because I've already chosen you as mine. I chose you the moment our thoughts collided and our energy intertwined. I choose your heartbeat as that of my own.

I did not go into This with the forethought of THIS happening, and that fucks me up. I can't help but feel like in your quest for doing the right thing and not hurting him, the truth is its hurting me.

I want you. I won’t ignore that, I want to pleasure you in ways that I've only imagined in my head for only YOU, I want to spend time with you, watching you, smiling at the closeness of your presence, holding the blunt as we get high, holding the book while you read it silently, listening to you talk, getting to know you, gaining your trust, listening to your heart beat, and matching your breathing as your rest. I want to feel the vibrations of your nerves as I run my fingertips across your skin. I want to match your eye gaze with mine and smile. I want to be in complete synchronization with the soul of you. I want ALL of you.

I know this is me risking fucking up what we have, but I would much rather you know that for me it has become more than the physical. I realized that the moment my heart confirmed what my inner voice was already speaking.

I know you love him, but...how do you feel about me?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Side Piece Suzy & Side Piece Sam

I often wonder now what would place a person in position as a side piece and what kind of person would willingly go into an emotional relationship with someone with conditions of only experiencing half of them. Well, for me... willingly and unwillingly... it was insecurity. But, have we become so accustomed to the microwaved readiness, push button start society or do we devalue ourselves so much that we are okay with being second best?

At this point in my life, not me, I'm choosing to stand alone, up front and particularly out from the crowd. You see, the way I NOW know my worth is set up, I cannot and will not allow myself to place second in any one's game of dick-to-pussy/cat-and-mouse competition. I'm too much of a winner with first prize greatness to be standing behind someone as runner up. I am not a competitor, but the competition. So, I refuse to allow myself to be placed in a situation or position where I even feel close to competing. Immediate interest lost.

I realize that some of us find ourselves in this situation because of people who want their cake, cookies, pussies, and penis' too--just greedy. Some people are in between knowing what they need to do, but choosing what they want instead. Some of us are comfortable being single without the emotional attachments and have decided it's best to just mix and mingle fuck and be fucked because that's really all they can offer knowing that the heart is way to guarded for hurt. And, some of us have miscalculated who they thought they were getting involved with and are now caught up in the crossfire of their own mess of emotional distress. LOL, the funny thing... in my life, I have been all of the above.

But, ponder this--what happens when you end up unknowingly to all of a sudden knowingly become the side piece? When you get tired of just fucking and being fucked, then what? Have you wasted your time? Do you think that spending time with someone won't make you emotionally engaged with that person along the side-way ass escapades and impromptu fuck-cations? 

Let me be clear people, contrary to what you think, connections and attachments are established long before the physical act of conversation or even sex happens.. because energy attracts, transcends even. So when you think that you're protecting yourself by just maintaining just a friendship, the energy is there, therefore, the feelings are also there. 

People get on my nerves acting as if feelings only come after you've "connected" with someone because of this imaginary level of swag, or game when the truth is... once your energy is released to attract that kind of situation or person no amount of conversation or sex or swag or "game" you spit is going to deny that from happening. 

We really need to stop and think about our own selfish desires... we place people in these side piece situations because we're selfish, because we don't want to admit to being unhappy with the main piece, so with the microwave mentality we are playing weird science and creating the perfect mate, just taking and using the qualities of several different individuals to do it--and for short period of time. We have to stop. If you're in a relationship and something isn't right with that person, communicate that to them, be open and honest enough to share how you feel about what isn't right in order to give the other person the chance to possibly want to fix it. I mean there is reason that you've made them you're main squeeze, right? Think about what made you feel that way about that person. We take so much of the next person's ability to make their own decisions away from them by making it for them because of fear of loss. But damn, what about what you can possibly gain by being open and honest. A better relationship, self worth, communication, better healthier sex, etc. Happiness. If something is broke and worth fixing, fix it... stop putting band-aids on relationships thinking it's going to get better, if you keep placing bandages on an open wound, how will it ever heal. If you keep rubbing a rash and you know it's contagious, then placing your hands on a different spot on your body, it's going to spread. We have to learn to let our selfish desires go because eventually the cause and effect infects, which affects us in the end. 

Why am I writing this, honestly, it's 5:00 in he morning and my thoughts woke me up.