Sunday, April 29, 2012
I've had better days...
I guess that my life has been too happy lately with no complaints... Today... Tonight... Yesterday... I feel emotional, mental, & physical pain... Forget the brain... It's coming from a heartache!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Freaknasty Inspiration...
So I posted to my FB status the other day, "is looking for some freaknasty inspiration..." and I was kind of hoping to get some reactions or responses from the men on my friends list, but I'm afraid all I got was "FB-Likes." It kind of made me wonder just what they were liking, so in turn, I said, "Everyone liking this comment! Inbox me what that inspiration is for u! Lol i promise to keep it anonymous when I blog abt this!" One of my brothers did comment that he felt like that every day and then proceeded to inbox as I requested. Our conversation went as follows:
Him: Some good head then if we really fuck with each eat the pussy then maybe she let me hit that back side.
Me: know ur not being fair...
Him: Don't do that with every female
Me: Oh u dont expect every female to do u then
Him: Of course
Me: Wld u do her if she asked u too and not expect any head inbretirn *in return
Him: Yes and no it's been time i did and times i didn't - got make sure it's right down there first
Me: Lol
So, there you go... for him.. freaknasty inspiration is some good head, followed by some possible back-side action.
But, what was I really meaning when I said I was looking for some freaknasty inspiration? LOL... in all honesty, I don't even really know, the thought just came to me and I posted it as my status... but if I know me, & I DO, I know once I see it, I'm sure whatever it is would grab hold of me and I'd be instantly inspired!!! Yeaup, that's what I'm going with!
But in all seriousness, for me freaknasty inspiration is anything that exudes passion, sensuality, sexuality, and eroticism! I love it. Yeaup, anything that causes a burning desire, THAT IS INSPIRATION for me! And, right now, my burning desire is to sit in my bedroom window, listening to the rain with some neo-soul playing in the background, with my laptop, wearing black lace and deep red lipstick and write about LOVE! *wink
Now, what's you're freaknasty inspiration?
Thursday, April 19, 2012
life consists of randomness & a state of perpetual consistency of nothingness!!! Wake me up from this coma!
In a mood today…
Moody is an interesting way to put it. I don't
honestly believe that I am going crazy, however I understand that my choice of
words because when I have to describe how I feel, it is exactly that…like I'm
going crazy. I think it’s the lack of control over my emotions that makes me
feel "crazy,” “moody,” just plain not in control. I started off my morning
very irritable-cranky-moody-with sensitivity to noise and just plain everything
around me. As my day progresses, it will eventually lead to sadness, sorrow and
feelings of despair...yet at the same time during the day, I will at times feel
fine. If I'm busy that helps, but as soon as I stop, not so good. I know that hormones
can be the cause of this, but I honestly don’t feel like I have a hormonal
imbalance at this time. I'm trying to do whatever I can to feel better, but
looking for the reason, isn't one of those things. Others may disagree, but for
me I can't find the reason and that leads me to have even more misplaced
I just want to scream, “ahhhhhhhh, what is
wrong with me,” I kind of attribute my moodiness to my zodiac sign. Cancers are
moody, sensitive, emotional, protective, and loving. It’s true, I can be
described as all of the above, but what I don’t get is why the moody part? If I
have characteristics that can be so positive, why does there have to have a mix
of something negative thrown in the equation? Should I refer to it as negative?
I haven’t really hurt anyone’s feelings, or cursed anyone out as a result. I
know I’m in this mood, I’ve seen this mood… I even told my coworker that I was
in a FUNKY mood today, and I would probably be really quiet today!!!! That’s a
stretch for me because I’m normally talkative and jovial! Truth be told, I hate
it when I get like this… and I can’t even blame it on being a female…
But these lyrics, I am really feelin’ right now:
"Getaway" by Monica
[Verse 1:]
Started as a little girl
Singing so changed my world
Flipped my world upside down
I got lost and I couldn't be found
So much on my shoulders
So much on my mind
Since no one can help me
I think I just need some time
Sometimes I wish I could hide away
Looking for a place to getaway
Getaway from all the heartache and pain that
life can bring
I really don't want to sound
Like I can't hold my ground
But everybody needs some time
That they can getaway
[Verse 2:]
Sometimes I wish I was invisible
'Cause then no one will know
Where I am to ask me for anything
'Cause I've given so much of me
When it's a time for me to receive
'Cause Monica has her needs
Who's going to look out for me?
[Verse 3:]
You know I'm not superwoman
And I'm not made of steel
I try my best to handle
All I have to deal with
It's not as easy as it seems
And to think this was my dream
Now for everything I have I'm grateful
But sometimes I want to get away
Sigh, this too shall pass…
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Art of Seduction...
It's an awesome evening in the DMV and I feel like writing... the cool of the evening and breeze flowing through my window coupled with the soft smooth sounds of Neo-Soul has me thinking about how we've lost the art of seduction...
I think that women have given up on the vitality of how to gain the attention of a man. Many women are too busy trying to make sure that we're IN CONTROL, so that he doesn't take advantage of them...they have forgotten that the game can only be played when two people are playing and since they look at letting their guard down as losing the game play, they give up.. its okay to be in control, but its also okay to lose a little control and let him win...if you let him believe he's winning, than you too will win.. *get what I'm sayin'*
The dating game has lost its true essence! S-E-D-U-C-T-I-O-N... we (both men and women) need to awaken our inner artistry of seducing the mind of the opposite sex and if you attract the mind of someone first, then the body will be sure to follow... I mean if you two are already in a decent enough conversation, than it's science that you're already attracted to one another. Someone needs it, wants it , and is waiting for it... hell, he's waiting for you sista...
I'm going to offer some ideas that just might make the situation a little easier for us.. if you're not the type to do any of the things listed, and what you do works for you.. than its all great! Pass my post on to someone that YOU KNOW needs to read it.. LOL
For the record... flirting WORKS.. it always get the man's attention... but what keeps him are other things that you will need to step outside the box for... *another post to be later developed depending on my mood*
FB: Afrocentriclovepower
Twitter: @AfroCentricLovP
Google: AfroCentric LovePower
I think that women have given up on the vitality of how to gain the attention of a man. Many women are too busy trying to make sure that we're IN CONTROL, so that he doesn't take advantage of them...they have forgotten that the game can only be played when two people are playing and since they look at letting their guard down as losing the game play, they give up.. its okay to be in control, but its also okay to lose a little control and let him win...if you let him believe he's winning, than you too will win.. *get what I'm sayin'*
The dating game has lost its true essence! S-E-D-U-C-T-I-O-N... we (both men and women) need to awaken our inner artistry of seducing the mind of the opposite sex and if you attract the mind of someone first, then the body will be sure to follow... I mean if you two are already in a decent enough conversation, than it's science that you're already attracted to one another. Someone needs it, wants it , and is waiting for it... hell, he's waiting for you sista...
I'm going to offer some ideas that just might make the situation a little easier for us.. if you're not the type to do any of the things listed, and what you do works for you.. than its all great! Pass my post on to someone that YOU KNOW needs to read it.. LOL
For the record... flirting WORKS.. it always get the man's attention... but what keeps him are other things that you will need to step outside the box for... *another post to be later developed depending on my mood*
- A woman cannot be needy. Neediness and seduction are mutually exclusive. The more desperate you are, the less attracted a man will be.
- A woman must RELAX. The more comfortable you feel, the more comfortable a man feels around you, and the more receptive he will be to your affection.
- A woman must be a flirt. Girl, be playful. Smile. Touch. Tease. Don't be too serious, people enjoy having a good time. Have fun with the guy you're with. Don't be scared, he won't bite... I mean, if you're lucky he will and you just might enjoy it. *Wink* But, seriously, ENJOY THE GAME. Act like your the master of it...remember a woman invented the game.
- You cannot always be available. what will you achieve if you are trying to meet with a man or talk to them every moment? If you're always available to them.. then, to him its a sign for him to run to the hills as fast as he can because you are going to be needy and you don't have nothing going on in your life besides pursuing him. Trust me, you'll be more desirable if you're a bit stand-offish and just slightly bitchy!!! Men are turned on by women that have a little fire under their skin... LOL *he'll say that he doesn't tho*
- Make an effective use of body language. Move confidently. Most people are not attracted to wallflowers, but to people who are sure of themselves. Don't forget to smile and, if possible, make body contact when appropriate and not intrusive.
- Don't be a completely open book. Leave something to the imagination. You should not share everything about you with the other person: mystery is always attractive. It makes people realize they don't know the whole you, and this secrecy will give off a seductive aura. However, don't be a completely closed book either.
- Be patient. Wait for their desire for you to catch up with your desire for them. Believe that it's only a matter of time, that they just need to discover how awesome you really are. If you don't believe that, then you can't seduce anyone. But the fact is that we naturally become attracted to anyone who we feel comfortable with, makes us laugh, and is slightly out of reach (because of the thrill of the unknown). It's human nature.
FB: Afrocentriclovepower
Twitter: @AfroCentricLovP
Google: AfroCentric LovePower
Friday, April 13, 2012
My Night w/Raheem...
So.. I'm obsessed with sexuality and sensuality; neo-soul and R&B!!!!!
Raheem Devaughn is like the epitome (a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class) of all that. Heemy's music does something to me... everything to me... listening to his music does provide "eargasmic" pleasure. I can only imagine... never mind on that subject.
I had the opportunity to see him live last night for the very first time... and I told myself that from this point forward, when he has a concert, or live event, a new CD, DVD, mixtape, bottle of alcohol, t-shirt, pants, shoes, underwear.. wait - I'm probably going too far again... I can't help it, when I think about this man.. I just want to be left alone with my thoughts... LOL Anway, whatever he does.. I want to be a part of it.. well within reason. Mainly, I plan to support him as an artist the best way I can!!!!
Anyway, he only sang about 4 or 5 songs, and was only in the building for a total of an hour I'd say... but he was very handsome, rocked the house, had the woman screaming and the fellas (the 20 that was present) jealous, he was very charismatic, and charming to say the least. He was in a word, humble!!! I like this man!!! I want to be around this man... I want to sit and have an intellectual conversation with this man.. I want to write a book with this man... I want to know more about this man... I'm a fan of this man!!!
I offered him a chance to lay his tired head on my 48DDDs and he kindly laughed, I moved in closer, and he laid his head down, we laughed, and as he was raising his head, she says, "oooooh, you're such a flirt!" we laughed some more. It was a good time. I had a REALLY GOOD hour of enjoying just being able to look at him closely in real-time...LOL (I'm so stalker-ish)
The swag is so ridiculous...
I have video footage, but I haven't figured out how to upload it... that will be forthcoming...
Anyway, my cousin Niki was definitely star struck.. she couldn't say much, just "thank you" was all she could muster and she said that I was embarrassing.. CTFU
We had a good time.. a very good good time.. he a very cool person, with a very warm soul! His mind is amazing and his passion for life is exhilarating!
Shoutout to the Movements that he supports and now so do I!!! :)
Raheem Devaughn is like the epitome (a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class) of all that. Heemy's music does something to me... everything to me... listening to his music does provide "eargasmic" pleasure. I can only imagine... never mind on that subject.
I had the opportunity to see him live last night for the very first time... and I told myself that from this point forward, when he has a concert, or live event, a new CD, DVD, mixtape, bottle of alcohol, t-shirt, pants, shoes, underwear.. wait - I'm probably going too far again... I can't help it, when I think about this man.. I just want to be left alone with my thoughts... LOL Anway, whatever he does.. I want to be a part of it.. well within reason. Mainly, I plan to support him as an artist the best way I can!!!!
Anyway, he only sang about 4 or 5 songs, and was only in the building for a total of an hour I'd say... but he was very handsome, rocked the house, had the woman screaming and the fellas (the 20 that was present) jealous, he was very charismatic, and charming to say the least. He was in a word, humble!!! I like this man!!! I want to be around this man... I want to sit and have an intellectual conversation with this man.. I want to write a book with this man... I want to know more about this man... I'm a fan of this man!!!
I offered him a chance to lay his tired head on my 48DDDs and he kindly laughed, I moved in closer, and he laid his head down, we laughed, and as he was raising his head, she says, "oooooh, you're such a flirt!" we laughed some more. It was a good time. I had a REALLY GOOD hour of enjoying just being able to look at him closely in real-time...LOL (I'm so stalker-ish)
The swag is so ridiculous...
I have video footage, but I haven't figured out how to upload it... that will be forthcoming...
Anyway, my cousin Niki was definitely star struck.. she couldn't say much, just "thank you" was all she could muster and she said that I was embarrassing.. CTFU
We had a good time.. a very good good time.. he a very cool person, with a very warm soul! His mind is amazing and his passion for life is exhilarating!
![]() |
Me (in green), Raheem Devaughn, and Niki (my cousin ) |
FB: Afrocentriclovepower
Twitter: @AfroCentricLovP
Google: AfroCentric LovePower
Twitter: @AfroCentricLovP
Google: AfroCentric LovePower
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Silent Competitors...
Recently, I've been discerning the character of certain people around me, and have been posting on FB about having Silent Competitors.. or haters is what people tend to refer to them as (they tend to be more vocal in their hatred)... but I choose to label them as competitors albeit silent.
The reason I consider them as silent competitors because there are people in this world, even in your inner circle that tend to compete with you.. you haven't noticed it, but they're there. You may have even had a thought about it, but you never gave any thought beyond what you've noticed. I'm going to give you some examples of people that might be secretly competing with you. They cannot make it noticeable because if they do than that would somehow let their secret out the bag, see these people are insecure in who they are, so while they love the person that you are, BUT they honestly have ill feelings for you at the same time. That's envy, jealousy and strife.
1. They will will make themselves a part of your circle w/out you even knowing.. they're just there.
2. They copy you (plain and simple).
3. They want to know where you shop or everything about you and what you do.
4. If you compliment them on something, they say thank you, and then they try to act like it isn't a big deal. Secretly, they are saying to themselves, yeah I know... LOL
5. If you like something about what they have or do, they will not share i.e., shoes, clothes, etc. they don't want you to go out and get it..
6. They honestly try to put themselves in situations where they are equal to you, but then try to out-do you in it.
7. They constantly comment on something you say as if you don't know what you're talking about.
8. They copy you.. LOL.. I had to add that again, because it's so true.. pay close attention.
9. They only do things because you do them, like change up things in their lifestyle because you have decided to do that same.. i.e., eat better, work out.
Now, that is just some of the things that I have noticed... and I asked a close friend about it, because I thought maybe I was tripping... and I try to always check myself first when I'm discerning a certain situation to make sure I'm not being judgmental or whatever... but he enlightened me to what this could possibly be, he said, I'm pretty sure you're not tripping and this does happen because you're a pretty influential person... I said, really, he said.. sure you are.. and that really brought some reality to my situation. I was really annoyed by this at first, I kind of felt like.. "can I be my own person, without someone copying me?"
So, I've really had a change of heart.. I've taken his advice and actually said.. okay.. if I'm influential and people are going to follow, copy, or even compete with me. I decided that I'm going to be the best me I know how to be and therefore, bring about positive results in the life of someone.
In retrospect, people could secretly be competing with you or it could be that you're just an influential person and they are following you because of that... I say regardless of the reason.. accept it and be glad. Do what you do because it is who you are, not because you're trying to be better than the next man or woman.. if you have to compete, compete with the person that you were yesterday, in order to be a better person tomorrow.
If we are in fact influential, than what you do will not matter because there will be someone that follows what you do and as long as you're living a positive life... than you won't lead them to destruction.
To you, I say.. Kudos!!! Continue doing what you're doing.. because obviously, you're doing something right!!!
On April 3, 2012, I posted the following as my FB status: "When you're influential (positively speaking), people will believe what you say, copy what you do, or silently compete to make sure they are doing IT better...IMO - don't stop being influential, especially positively, [you can't help a negative person's response to a positive situation (hence the competition)] but... you just might change someone's life... that's what I aim for... helping not hindering.. so... copy and paste..."
FB: Afrocentriclovepower
Twitter: @AfroCentricLovP
Google: AfroCentric LovePower
The reason I consider them as silent competitors because there are people in this world, even in your inner circle that tend to compete with you.. you haven't noticed it, but they're there. You may have even had a thought about it, but you never gave any thought beyond what you've noticed. I'm going to give you some examples of people that might be secretly competing with you. They cannot make it noticeable because if they do than that would somehow let their secret out the bag, see these people are insecure in who they are, so while they love the person that you are, BUT they honestly have ill feelings for you at the same time. That's envy, jealousy and strife.
1. They will will make themselves a part of your circle w/out you even knowing.. they're just there.
2. They copy you (plain and simple).
3. They want to know where you shop or everything about you and what you do.
4. If you compliment them on something, they say thank you, and then they try to act like it isn't a big deal. Secretly, they are saying to themselves, yeah I know... LOL
5. If you like something about what they have or do, they will not share i.e., shoes, clothes, etc. they don't want you to go out and get it..
6. They honestly try to put themselves in situations where they are equal to you, but then try to out-do you in it.
7. They constantly comment on something you say as if you don't know what you're talking about.
8. They copy you.. LOL.. I had to add that again, because it's so true.. pay close attention.
9. They only do things because you do them, like change up things in their lifestyle because you have decided to do that same.. i.e., eat better, work out.
Now, that is just some of the things that I have noticed... and I asked a close friend about it, because I thought maybe I was tripping... and I try to always check myself first when I'm discerning a certain situation to make sure I'm not being judgmental or whatever... but he enlightened me to what this could possibly be, he said, I'm pretty sure you're not tripping and this does happen because you're a pretty influential person... I said, really, he said.. sure you are.. and that really brought some reality to my situation. I was really annoyed by this at first, I kind of felt like.. "can I be my own person, without someone copying me?"
So, I've really had a change of heart.. I've taken his advice and actually said.. okay.. if I'm influential and people are going to follow, copy, or even compete with me. I decided that I'm going to be the best me I know how to be and therefore, bring about positive results in the life of someone.
In retrospect, people could secretly be competing with you or it could be that you're just an influential person and they are following you because of that... I say regardless of the reason.. accept it and be glad. Do what you do because it is who you are, not because you're trying to be better than the next man or woman.. if you have to compete, compete with the person that you were yesterday, in order to be a better person tomorrow.
If we are in fact influential, than what you do will not matter because there will be someone that follows what you do and as long as you're living a positive life... than you won't lead them to destruction.
To you, I say.. Kudos!!! Continue doing what you're doing.. because obviously, you're doing something right!!!
On April 3, 2012, I posted the following as my FB status: "When you're influential (positively speaking), people will believe what you say, copy what you do, or silently compete to make sure they are doing IT better...IMO - don't stop being influential, especially positively, [you can't help a negative person's response to a positive situation (hence the competition)] but... you just might change someone's life... that's what I aim for... helping not hindering.. so... copy and paste..."
FB: Afrocentriclovepower
Twitter: @AfroCentricLovP
Google: AfroCentric LovePower
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Fabric Prints
What are some prints that you think aren't meant to be styled together... like...
polka-dots and animal print... I'm thinking it's going to look real-fabo together...
polka-dots and animal print... I'm thinking it's going to look real-fabo together...
Natural Beauty
So it seems more black women are doing the natural hair thing... I have been natural for over six years. I can't really remember when I let the perm grow out, so I stick with the #6. I know it's been at least 6 years since I've "gone natural." What exactly does it mean to "go natural" anyway? LOL I hate to hear people say that... why can't we simple say... I'm no longer perming my hair...
I mean are more of us "going natural" because we feel that we can do it better than the next girl? After-all, we do stay in competition with one another. You lying if you say you don't, but that's another topic for another day. Back to natural hair... our hair is much more healthier when its at its natural state, and we really don't need to but a lot of chemicals and things in it to make it be something that its not meant to be...
It's fascinating to me that we now consider it okay to be able to wear our natural hair, in the boardroom, to the point where there was an article about natural hair hitting the runway. I mean, really... REALLY, is it like that important to other races? I mean, black people are BEAUTIFUL (the hues of skin tone, the versatility, the artistry and creativity), including the "beedy-beads" (in my Martin Lawrence voice). I've always loved natural beauty - its the essence of the people (no matter your race, ethnicity, or cultural upbringing).
But, I must wonder, is this just a fad? Or, are we as black women coming to the realization that natural beauty is true and it shouldn't be hidden behind the masks of other women?
Black Women - WE ARE the best of the best...we set the trends, we are fashion and creativity and artistry, and trend setters and no matter our shade... we are unique. So, are we realizing our worth in the industry of other female races?
Tell me what your opinion is...
This is me today with my blow out...
I mean are more of us "going natural" because we feel that we can do it better than the next girl? After-all, we do stay in competition with one another. You lying if you say you don't, but that's another topic for another day. Back to natural hair... our hair is much more healthier when its at its natural state, and we really don't need to but a lot of chemicals and things in it to make it be something that its not meant to be...
It's fascinating to me that we now consider it okay to be able to wear our natural hair, in the boardroom, to the point where there was an article about natural hair hitting the runway. I mean, really... REALLY, is it like that important to other races? I mean, black people are BEAUTIFUL (the hues of skin tone, the versatility, the artistry and creativity), including the "beedy-beads" (in my Martin Lawrence voice). I've always loved natural beauty - its the essence of the people (no matter your race, ethnicity, or cultural upbringing).
But, I must wonder, is this just a fad? Or, are we as black women coming to the realization that natural beauty is true and it shouldn't be hidden behind the masks of other women?
Black Women - WE ARE the best of the best...we set the trends, we are fashion and creativity and artistry, and trend setters and no matter our shade... we are unique. So, are we realizing our worth in the industry of other female races?
Tell me what your opinion is...
This is me today with my blow out...
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Stylish.. .
This particular dress has some very stylish flare to it... I think that if it came in my size.. I'd definitely wear it.. flonce it up a bit tho...
1950/60s Abe Schrader Multicolor Pleated Skirt / Bowtie Collar Silk Shirt Dress / Women's Size Large
1950/60s Abe Schrader Multicolor Pleated Skirt / Bowtie Collar Silk Shirt Dress / Women's Size Large
So I mean.. how do you really start a blog...
I'm thinking that starting a blog you pretty much have to have an open mind, maybe think about something that you'd like to talk about and just go with it... like really, what does it take to start a blog.. I mean there are so many types..
I love fashion, talking, intellectual stimulating conversation... I like life.. learning, experiences that mold and shape you... What do you think.. if you had to.. what type of blog would you create?
I love fashion, talking, intellectual stimulating conversation... I like life.. learning, experiences that mold and shape you... What do you think.. if you had to.. what type of blog would you create?
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