Monday, September 21, 2015


I remember years ago a minister speaking about having constant flow through God, she ministered how there were four rivers flowing out of the Garden of Eden (for this message, it is symbolic for fertile), this, in her interpretation was symbolic for income (i.e., the flow). She ministered that the symbolic meaning of flow and the garden being our source of sustenance, and how we should have at least four streams of income flowing. She preached on how God has provided us with gifts and talents that we should be using to maximize on our flow and have abundance in life. She taught that we sit on those gifts and talents, only settling for one income that pays the bills that is just enough for us to survive. This message has stayed with me throughout the years, always coming to the forefront of my mind when it comes to money and my desire to be completely free. What I learned about self is that all roads eventually lead back to money and survival mode. I wasn’t taught, but I learned how to survive, and not live. In discovering much about myself, I began to see money in a different context. I stopped needing money to live and survive, but started living to truly live and thus money just came.
It has never been hard for me to find a job (I know how to survive), especially with my gift for writing, I don’t have a degree in English, but my steps have been ordered based on that gift for writing. For me, it’s like second nature. I've always made good money and just enough to survive. But, what happens when enough is no longer enough? I’ve always had this certain knowing, that there is purpose for me beyond JUST surviving. This knowing has always caused me to believe in having more than enough, it is my driving force and my ambition to see me in not just flowing, but overflowing in terms of money.  Recently, I was unemployed, for almost 10 months and for that period of time, God kept me by way of ancestors and angels surrounding me and providing me the means to survive. However, for the first time, I was able to look into me and realize that all a job provided me was the means to survive, and I wasn’t really living. My unemployment was THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE!!! It was where I actually saw my freedom. How does this work? Honestly, my focus wasn’t on bills and money… I knew I didn’t have the means to provide for myself and had to rely solely on the Grace of God--I was no longer in control. I mean, was I ever really, that was the epiphany!!!! It was then that I came back to the message I heard years ago. So, I took to the scripture and let Spirit lead me.
The scripture tells us that in the beginning, after God rested from all that he previously created, and nothing had sprung up in the earth as of yet on this the 7th day (7 is the number of completion from Biblical symbolism), there were streams that came up from the earth and watered the ground. Now here is where I see the symbolism of residual - God had created (desires, thought, vision), and then he rested (trust, faith, hope), during rest, there were streams flowing to water the earth (manifestation).  See the process unfolding?! The Garden (the sustenance) is the manifestation. It is in living, the resting where what you create, actually unfolds. I am going somewhere with this, so bear with me…
There was one river in the Garden, and from that one river, flowed four rivers flowing from it. The first river is Pishon, which flows around the whole land of Havilah (circles the land or covering the whole), where there is gold (that means rich or having abundance). Pishon is symbolic for increase. The second river is Gihon, which flows (winding) through the land of Cush (covering an entire region, flowing heavily). Gihon is symbolic for bursting forth. The third river is Tigris, which flows along the east side of Ashur (the city in Assyria). Tigris is symbolic for rapid. The fourth river is Euphrates, which flows as the dominant river. Euphrates is symbolic for fruitfulness.
So, let’s recap, the source being you with your God given gifts and talents, and with each gift or talent, you create what God has aligned for you to have multiple streams of income. Your visions and dreams is creation, the work and persistence that you put into your creation, you trusting, believing, and having faith of those abilities, and each of these flows or streams of income as it manifests relates to you is symbolic for stability, grounding, solidarity, calmness, home, centering and getting back to your roots, which is you planting yourself. That’s the residual! This is the area of prosperity and abundance of God.  This is our cups running over. This is you creating your life and for me I insert money as My Own Natural Energy Yield!
Yes, it is true, we need a job to survive in life, but what Spirit has revealed is that in order to live, you have to create and in your creation, you energize the flow of increase that bursts forth rapidly into fruitfulness for you to achieve the true manifestation - which is living!!!
King James Bible, Genesis 2: 10-14